The Mirage of Power: Decoding Celebrity Politicians

Fans are omnipresent. When they encounter their idols, they express their sentiments passionately, even though in a funny way. They may cry their hearts out as if their emotions are wrenched from within, expecting everyone present to validate their feelings. But do they ever forget their celebrities? Perhaps not.
Celebrities are omnipresent, too. They move in style, attracting attention—sometimes with the aid of organized, paid media. A celebrity rises to fame through talent or skill, yet, at times, even the incompetent bask in the unwavering loyalty of fans, who are quick to defend them no matter what.
Politicians, on the other hand, are hard taskmasters. They meticulously prepare their speeches to keep their supporters united. They maneuver through political games to avoid being overshadowed by party peers. They fight relentless battles to shield their families from invasive public and media scrutiny, especially by rivals. The narrative of nepotism adds another layer of challenge if their children aspire to follow in their footsteps.
A celebrity amasses wealth but craves power. A politician gains power yet may lack wealth - though it can be rare. Then, going one step forward, there is this breed of the celebrity-politician hybrid. He is a cunning player, leveraging their star status to evade scrutiny and dodge responsibility. He always exploits his influence to establish covert networks, siphon public funds, and does not mind sowing discord in society if it furthers his thirst for power. He often remains a stranger to us in many ways - we rarely get a chance to know him in person; it’s an impossible proposition, too. Yet, he wields significant influence, often shaping the course of our personal lives in profound ways.
The critical question is: How do we identify these manipulative individuals?
If someone is a celebrity, we must critically assess the basis of their fame—be it business, sports, cinema, or even notoriety. We must limit their undue influence on us and focus only on their authentic contributions. We must demand that a politician, who may be a celebrity, must be one who is capable of guiding society responsibly, adhering to public commitments, living modestly, and remaining accountable.

The challenge remains: How do we distinguish a trustworthy celebrity-politician from the rest? How do we discern those who live frugally and uphold integrity? The answer is simple—observe carefully. How do we identify those who shift goalposts and thus manipulate us? I believe the key lies in recording their past promises and comparing those with their current actions.
To hold politicians accountable, we must shed blind fandom. To determine if they steer society in the right direction, we must cultivate rationality—the cornerstone of responsible citizenship in any democracy.