Beware the Wolves: Reflections on 2024 and Beyond

Like many years before, 2024 will soon give way to another year. As humans, we have a peculiar fascination with dividing the endless flow of time into discrete segments, calling it both an art and a science.
A few years ago, I decided to pause sharing my thoughts in a world where devils rule, and the good either stay silent or become entertainers. I hold no grudge against entertainers, but this seems to be the reality. However, I’ve come to believe that sharing one’s perspective is never futile, even if it finds few listeners.
Let me begin with the enigma surrounding space exploration. Next year marks the 55th anniversary of the Moon landing. Yet, we seem to have lost the art of sending humans back there. Instead, we dream of living on Mars. Even as we struggle to sustain astronauts in Earth’s orbit—grappling with food supplies and safe returns—we talk, perhaps with a tinge of embarrassment, about how effortless life on Mars could be.
Reflecting on the year gone by, I see it encapsulated in a simple triangle: playing into devils’ hands, shifting premises, and hiding motives behind ideologies.

The devils, omnipresent through history, remain among us. They were here yesterday, thrive today, and will be replicated tomorrow. We cannot escape their existence, but we can stay vigilant against their schemes. Identifying them and resisting their attempts to undermine goodness is crucial, much like in the story of the wolf and the goats.
A wolf from a distant land appeared near a lush grazing ground, home to a secure community of goats. The wolf made its home in a cave uphill, instilling fear among the goats.
The next day, however, the wolf emerged and began grazing on the grass alongside the goats. Surprised but cautious, the goats observed him. As days turned into weeks, the wolf befriended the goats, winning their trust and even admiration. By evening, the goats gathered in his cave, enraptured by his tales of transformation into a vegetarian. Some even praised his efforts to protect them from other predators.
As months passed, the goat population began to decline. A few wise goats warned others not to trust the wolf or visit his cave. But they were mocked and silenced. Some wise goats had left the place when they understood they could not convince others. The truth emerged only when the last goat entered the wolf’s lair and discovered the reality.
The story serves as a timeless lesson: do not play into the hands of devils. Let us not be fooled when they shift the premises of conversations. Let us judge people not by their proclaimed ideologies but by their actions and character. These lessons extend far beyond the socio-political sphere—they are just as relevant in academics, spiritual pursuits, and the very fabric of human thought. As 2025 beckons, let us carry forward these lessons and face the year with vigilance and clarity. Welcome to 2025!